TO: Mayor and City Commission
FROM: Cale Curtis, City Manager
DATE: January 18, 2023
BACKGROUND: On July 7, 2021, the City Commission approved an amended Schedule of Fees for the Residential Rental Unit Inspection Program. This agenda item is to discuss the registration requirements, inspections, and fees for condominiums pursuant to City Code Article V - Residential Rental Unit Program.
Condominium rental registration data is as follows:
• Total number of condominiums currently registered with all fees paid: 428
o Amount paid to City: $96,575.00
• Total number of condominiums currently registered without all fees paid: _3__
• Total number of condominiums that ProChamps records indicate should* register:_1469_
*Additional information may be pending from the owner or public records to confirm whether or not the property meets registration requirements pursuant to City Code.
• Total number of condominiums that have been cited for failure to register: 332 (Code Officer initiatives)
• Total number of condominiums that have been inspected by Code Compliance staff: _56_
RECOMMENDATION: For discussion.
FISCAL IMPACT: To be determined.
CONTACT PERSON: Richard Nixon, Building Official
Joseph Scimeca, Code Compliance Supervisor